biografia di Allan Robb FLEMING (1929-1977)

Birth place: Toronto, Ontario

Addresses: Toronto 5, Ontario

Profession: Designer, calligrapher

Studied: Western Tech. Sch.

Exhibited: several exhibs. at Art Dir. Club New York & Type Dir. Club New York; Twenty Five Books of the Year, Am. Assn. Univ. Press, 1968-72; Am. Inst. Graphic Arts Covers, 1971; Fifty Books of the Year, Am. Inst. Graphic Arts. Awards: gold medal for distinguished contribution to the art of typographic design, Royal Canadian Acad. Arts, 1965; Centennial Medal, Canadian Govt., 1967; gold medal for design of The Econ. Atlas of Ontario, Int. Book Fair, Leipzig, 1970.

Member: Graphic Designers Canada (fellow); Royal Canadian Acad. Arts (academician); Nat. Design Council.

Work: MoMA. Commissions: 19th Century Signage, Upper Canada Village, commissioned by Anthony Adamson, Toronto, 1958; Canadian Nat. Railways symbol, commissioned by James Valkus, New York, 1959; interior calligraphy, Massey College, 1962; Ontario Hydro symbol, Ontario Hydro-Electrical Power Commission, 1965; Hall of Memory, Toronto City Hall, 1965.

Comments: Positions: vice-pres. & director creative services, Cooper & Beatty Ltd. Typographers, Toronto, 1957-62; vice-pres. & director creative services, Maclaren Advertising Co. Ltd., 1963-68; chief designer, Univ. Toronto Press, 1968-. Teaching: instructor typographic design, Ontario College Art, 1958-61.

Sources: WW73; Robert Fulford, Allan Fleming," Canadian Art (1960); Arnold Rockman, Visual Communication in Canada (Idea, Japan, 1961)."

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