biografia di Alexander FARNHAM (1926-2017)

Birth place: Orange, NJ

Addresses: Stockton, NJ

Profession: Painter, writer

Studied: Art Students League New York, with George Bridgeman, WC McNulty & Frank Vincent DuMond; also with Van Dearing Perrine & Anne Steel Marsh.

Exhibited: Methods & Materials of the Painter, Montclair Art Mus., circulated in Canada, 1954; Nat. Acad. Design 135th Annual Exhib., New York, 1960; Eastern States Art Exhib., Springfield, MA, 1965-1967; NJ Award Artists Exhib, Montclair Art Mus., 1966; NJ Artists, Newark Mus. Invitational, 1968; Heritage Arts, South Orange, NJ, 1970s. Awards: Agnes B Noyes Award, Montclair Art Mus., 1950; second award, NJ Tercentenary, State of New Jersey, 1963; purchase award, Newark Mus., 1968.

Member: Assoc. Artists NJ (pres., 1972-); Hunterdon Art Center.

Work: Newark Mus., NJ; Nat. Arts Club, New York; Monmouth College; James A. Michener Collection; Harkness Collection. Commissions: Naval subjects murals, Naval Repair Base, New Orleans, LA, 1945; portrait of director, Am. Foundation for the Blind, 1950; painting of office bldg., New Jersey Mfrs. Ins. Co., Trenton, 1969.

Comments: Preferred medium: oils. Positions: artist, U.S. Navy, 1945-1946. Publications: author/illustrator, Tool Collectors Handbook, 1970; author, Architectural Forms, Subjects for the Artist's Brush, 1972.

Sources: WW73; Diana Bainbridge, art review & commentaries, New Jersey Mus. & Arts (June, 1969).

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