biografia di Susan Minot LANE (1832-1893)

Birth place: Cambridge, MA

Death place: Cambridge

Addresses: Cambridge

Profession: Painter

Studied: W.M. Hunt, in Boston.

Exhibited: NAD, 1879

Work: BMFA; Bostonian S.

Comments: Specialty: genre. Regarded by Hunt as one of his most promising students, she rarely exhibited and led a quiet life as a teacher. Positions: inst., private girls' school and at school of Mrs. Barthold Schlesinger, Brookline, Mass. Publications: Old Boston Houses, Seven Photographs from Sketches in Oil Painted by Susan Minot Lane 1881-1882 (manuscript is owned by BMFA and Bostonian Soc.).

Sources: G&W; Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Cat.; Fielding; Hoppin,  Women Artists in Boston," 43-44."

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