biografia di Mary Lizzie MACOMBER (1861-1916)

Birth place: Fall River, MA

Addresses: Waverley, MA; Boston, MA/NYC

Profession: Painter

Studied: Robert Dunning; BMFA Sch.; with Duveneck, 1883.

Exhibited: NAD, 1890-1903 (11 annuals, incl. Dodge Prize, 1897); Columbian World Expo., Chicago, IL, 1893; PAFA, seven annuals, 1892-1903; Mass. Charitable Mech. Assn., Boston, 1895 (med.); Boston AC, 1895-1909; Atlanta Expo, 1895 (med.); CI, 1901 (prize); Pan-Am. Expo, Buffalo, NY, 1901; AIC, 1895-1915; Corcoran Gal. biennials, 1907-12 (3 times); Vose Gal., Boston, 1913 (solo); City Art Mus., St. Louis, 1916 (solo, one month after her death).

Member: Copley S. 1884; Boston AG.

Work: BMFA; Fall River (Mass.) Pub. Lib.

Comments: Pre-Raphaelite figurative painter. After a 1903 studio fire destroyed many of her paintings, she traveled to England, France, and Holland.

Sources: WW15; Rubinstein, American Women Artists, 116; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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