biografia di Salvatore William GRIPPI (1921-2017)

Birth place: Buffalo, NY

Addresses: Ithaca, NY

Profession: Painter, educator

Studied: MoMA School, 1944-45; ASL, 1945-48; Atelier17, 1951-53; Inst. Statale Arte, Florence, Italy, Fulbright scholarships, 1953-55.

Exhibited: Corcoran Gal., 1959 & 1963 (26th & 28th Biennials); WMAA, 1959 ; "Recent Painting USA," and "The Figure," MoMA, 1962 (traveling exhib.); "Selected Am. Painters," Phoenix Art Mus, 1967; solo gallery shows in NYC and Los Angeles, 1952-72.

Member: ASL (life member; treasurer, 1961-62; board control, 1961-64); College Art Assn. Am.; Am. Assn. Univ. Prof.

Work: WMAA; MMA; NYPL; Hirshhorn Mus; Milwaukee-Downer College, WI.

Comments: Positions: participant, Ford Foundation Conference Visual Artists, 1961. Author: "Visual Impressions of Italy," Inst Int Educ. Bulletin, 1956; "Turntable Kaleidoscope," MoMA

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