biografia di George YATER (1910-1993)

Birth place: Madison, IN

Addresses: Provincetown, MA; Truro, MA (1931-on)

Profession: Painter, photographer art administrator, designer, writer

Studied: John Herron Art Sch, 1928-32; Cape Sch. Art, Provincetown with Henry Hensche, summers 1931-34; Edwin Dickinson; Richard Miller; W. Forsyth.

Exhibited: NAD, 1934, 1940; PAFA, 1934, 1937, 1939, 1943-45; Hoosier Salon, 1931 (prize), 1932, 1934, 1936 (prize), 1940, 1941, 1945, 1946 (prize), 1954 (first prize); AWCS, 1938, 1945; WFNY, 1939; Hanover Col. Inc., 1939 (solo); Currier Gal. Art, Manchester, NH, 1940; Univ. Illinois, 1939; Inst. Mod. Art, Boston, 1939; Paper Mill Playhouse, Millburn, NJ, 1939; Provincetown AA, 1934-46; Indianapolis MA, 1931-46; Chrysler Art Mus., Provincetown, MA; John Herron AM, 1953 (Alumni prize, Indiana Artists Ann.); Falmouth Artists Guild, 1961, 1969 (1st prizes)

Member: Phila. WCC; Provincetown AA; Indianapolis AA

Work: Chrysler Collection, Norfolk Art Gallery, VA; Ford Motor Co, Dearborn, MI; Paper Mill Playhouse, Millburn, NJ; Indiana Univ., Bloomington; De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, IN.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, watercolors. Positions: dir., Provincetown AA, 1947-61; dir., Sarasota AA, 1955-66; dir. & instr., Middletown FA Center, 1970-71. Photographs: Rudder, Motor Boating, Yachting magazines; more than 75 watercolors have been used as illustrations in Ford Times, Lincoln-Mercury Times, New Eng Journeys, 1952-60.

Sources: WW73; WW47; Ernie Pyle, article, Scripps-Howard Feature (1936); Jack Stinnet, In New York (AP Feature, 1936); Robert Hatch, At the Tip of Cape Cod," Horizon Magazine (1961); Crotty, 117; Provincetown Painters, 149"

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