biografia di Maria Elisabeth VON RIDELSTEIN (1884-1970)

Birth place: Leipzig, Germany

Death place: San Francisco, CA

Addresses: San Francisco, CA, 1926-70

Profession: Painter, printmaker, teacher

Studied: Munich Academy of FA; Paris; Rome

Member: Soc. Western Artists (co-founder & pres.); San Francisco Soc. of Women Artists; Am. WCS

Comments: Position: teacher, Yokohama, Japan; head, art dept., Colegio Aleman & teacher, College of the Irish Sisters, both in Valparaiso, Chile; teacher, Fashion Art School, Scottish Rite Temple, San Francisco & Calif. College of Arts & Crafts. Married to Herbert von Ridelstein (see entry). A realist painter, she took a vocal stand against modern art.

Sources: Hughes, Artists in California, 580.

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