biografia di Lilian MACKENDRICK (1906-1987)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter

Studied: sculpture with Louis Keila, drawing & painting with Dorothy Block; lithography at ASL; Washington Sq. Col., NY Univ. (B.S.)

Exhibited: Audubon Artists, 1951, 1953; New York Dealers' Show, Witte Mus. Art, San Antonio, TX, 1952; Third Biennial of American Painting, Bordighera, Italy, 1955 (gold med.); Eleven Americans, touring Fr. Mus., 1956-57; Hammer Gal., NYC, 1970s. Other awards: hon men., Brooklyn Soc. Artists, 1953; award for pub. serv., Northside Ctr. for Child Develop., 1961.

Member: AEA

Work: MMA; Hirshhorn Mus.; Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT; Walker Art Cntr., Minneapolis; Houston MFA.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, pastels, watercolors, charcoal, ink. IIllustrator: Cat in My Mind, Putnam's (Eng.), 1958; cover mag. sect., NY Herald Tribune, Feb. 9, 1959.

Sources: WW73; C. Roger Marx, "Deux Femmes Peintures Americaines," Jardin Arts (Paris, July, 1956); Joan Hess, "Lilian MacKendrick," Am. Artist (Jan., 1959); Dian Buchman, "Last of the Great Lady Painters," Show (Apr., 1970).

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