Gustave SINGIER & Raoul UBAC


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6 articoli Artmarket Insight citano Gustave SINGIER & Raoul UBAC

A couple of Parisian art fairs resist: Galeristes and ASIA NOW!

A couple of Parisian art fairs resist: Galeristes and ASIA NOW!

Although all the major Parisian art events have been hastily cancelled (the Fiac, Paris photo and even Art & Museum) other fairs such as Galeristes and Asia Now have confirmed they will be taking place, highlighting the rarity of such events in this very difficult period. Galeristes 2020 The 5th edition of the Galeristes art […]

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Surrealist photography – convulsive beauty

Surrealist photography – convulsive beauty

Surrealist photography was officially born in 1924 with the movement Manifesto by André Breton. The thirst for new experiences which inspired the surrealist oeuvre sustained the exploration of the photographic medium in various forms. Man Ray’s solarization involving exposing the negative to light, Raoul Ubac’s brûlages, Pierre Molinier’s photomontages or André Kertész’s mirror effects are all examples of techniques which de-realise subjects and objects, giving them an element of mystery…Surrealist beauty is irrational and coincidental, marvellous and convulsive.

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The Second School of Paris – or informal art after WWII

The Second School of Paris – or informal art after WWII

Over the last ten years, the price index for the second School of Paris has risen 130%; but it has not yet overtaken the level it reached at the height of the art market bubble in 1990/1991.The term second School of Paris refers to abstract artists working in France between 1940 and 1965. Like the Nice School, the Paris School is not a school as such, but rather a label that allows the art world to lump together a mixed bag of French and foreign artists living in France including the Russian Serge POLIAKOFF, Hans HARTUNG from Germany, Gustave SINGIER from Belgium, JJean-Michel ATLAN from Algeria, and Maria Elena VIEIRA DA SILVA from Portugal, among others. According to a number of art critics, these artists had interests in common with other “informals” like Pierre SOULAGES, Jean FAUTRIER, Maurice ESTEVE, Gustave SINGIER, Roger Bissière and Jean Bertholle.

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2 artisti fanno parte di questa collaborazione.