Main illustration for Maurice ESTEVE
Opera prossimamente all'asta

Maurice ESTEVE

Main illustration for Maurice ESTEVE
Opera prossimamente all'asta
Classifica mondiale
464.739 USD
Categoria più venduta
1° mercato

Maurice ESTEVE è un artista nato in Francia nel 1904 e morto nel 2001. Le sue opere sono passate in asta 2.819 volte, principalmente nella categoria Stampa-Multiplo. Il primo lotto registrato sul nostro sito è "L'oiseau de nuit", passato all'asta nel 1984 da Sotheby's (Disegno Acquarello) e il più recente è Corne a Licou passato nel 2025 (Stampa-Multiplo).[...]


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4 opere di Maurice ESTEVE prossimamente all'asta

03 Apr 2025
Maurice ESTEVE - La cage blanche



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2.834 risultati d'asta per Maurice ESTEVE e le sue altre attribuzioni.


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Si abboni per scoprire i risultati d'aggiudicazione per le aste tra il 1984 e il 2025!

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5 articoli Artmarket Insight citano Maurice ESTEVE

Guide to art auctions for under $10,000

Guide to art auctions for under $10,000

Episode 1: Purchase opportunities are growing Far from intimidating auction records, the art market is currently developing affordable price ranges. In the first half of 2024, 91% of the artworks sold at auction worldwide fetched less than $10,000. Among the hundreds of thousands of artworks sold each year, the volume of those selling for under […]

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Flash News : The Kann Collection – Art Basel Hong Kong – Art KARLSRUHE

Flash News : The Kann Collection – Art Basel Hong Kong – Art KARLSRUHE

The Kann Collection A watercolour in light tones. On one side, Georges BRAQUE (1882-1963) drew a still life with grapes and, on the other, a beautiful nude woman lying down. This artwork bears the Kann inventory number 1116: seized in October 1940 by the intervention team of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR), it was stored at the […]

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The Second School of Paris – or informal art after WWII

The Second School of Paris – or informal art after WWII

Over the last ten years, the price index for the second School of Paris has risen 130%; but it has not yet overtaken the level it reached at the height of the art market bubble in 1990/1991.The term second School of Paris refers to abstract artists working in France between 1940 and 1965. Like the Nice School, the Paris School is not a school as such, but rather a label that allows the art world to lump together a mixed bag of French and foreign artists living in France including the Russian Serge POLIAKOFF, Hans HARTUNG from Germany, Gustave SINGIER from Belgium, JJean-Michel ATLAN from Algeria, and Maria Elena VIEIRA DA SILVA from Portugal, among others. According to a number of art critics, these artists had interests in common with other “informals” like Pierre SOULAGES, Jean FAUTRIER, Maurice ESTEVE, Gustave SINGIER, Roger Bissière and Jean Bertholle.

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